Types of Brain Tumors

In young age, the most common types of brain cancer are as follows:
Astrocytomas: These mostly occur in the biggest part of the brain, the head. They can be any classification. They frequently occur annexation or change in behavior.
Meningiomas: These are the most common primary brain tumors at a young age. Basically, it is grown in your 70s or 80s. It can arise in the meninges, the interlining of the brain. They can be classified 1, 2, or 3. They are frequently kind and get bigger at a slow pace.
Oligodendrogliomas: These occur in the cell that makes the wrapping that saves the nerves. They are basically forming a group 1, 2, or 3. They are grown in slow motion and it does not spread to the other nearby tissue.
How Brain Tumors are Treated
Treatment for brain tumors are depending on frequency factors including the type, location, and the size of the tumor as well as the age of the person who is affected by the tumor and general health of the person who can able to handle the pressure of the tumor. The way of treatment differs from age to age, it is different for the children and much far different from adults.
Brain tumor is cured by the method of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Our doctor also doing the research on the medication of the tumor to get a cure as soon as fast. They are studying a vaccine for treating a current cancer of the central nervous system that occurs primarily in the brain, known as glioma.
Surgery is a common treatment for brain tumors. To wind up the brain tumor, a neurosurgeon makes an opening in the mind. This process operation is called a surgical procedure. The surgeon always tries to remove all the tumor, as possible. If the tumor can’t able to remove the entire tumor without disturbing other tissues of the brain. Then the surgeons try removing the tumor as much possible to remove.
Some of the tumors are can’t be removable. In such a case, the doctor may do the biopsy surgery and try to remove the small piece of the tumor to identify what kind of tumor it is, how to do the treatment for this type of tumor. They keep examining the cell of a tumor to determine what kind of cell it is, and what kind of treatment can be provided to the patient.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy, in this process high powered rays are used to damage the cells of cancer to stop them not to spread anymore. In this process, we kill the cell of the cancers which doctors are not able to remove. The tissues which are impacted by the cancer germs are killed by this radiotherapy. When the surgery is not able to perform well at that time the radiotherapy is used to kill the cancer cell in the brain.
Radiation therapy can be given in two ways. External radiation comes from a large machine. For the external radiation generally, need the treatment of five days in the week as several weeks they have to take the treatment. The treatment schedule depends on the type of tumor and the age of the person. Given the total dose of the radiation over a time period it helps to prevent the healthy tissue are in the brain, it protects it from the area of the tumor is affected.
Chemotherapy is a therapy where the usage of drugs to kill the cancer cells. The doctor may use just one drug or a combination. Normally giving the drugs are giving orally or by the injection. Injection into blood or muscles.
Chemotherapy is usually given the cycling period. The treatment period is followed by the recovery period. After this, another treatment period is on, and so on. In this case, the affected person no need to stay in the hospital for the treatment. To take the drugs or medication the patient needs to come to the doctor's clinic. The drugs are given to the patient is totally depends on the patient's general health, maybe some time for the short period of time the patient needs to stay in the hospital for better under the problem of the patient.


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